A world apart from her predecessor CANBERRA's bridge ORIANA was among the most advanced in the world when she entered service.
Although mostly manned by 3 people the bridge can effectively be operated by one person.
At the heart of the bridge is the Nacos 45/2 integrated navigation and command system, which combines radar, echo sounder, speed log and wind speed and direction from which ORIANA's course can be set by the officer of the watch.
The console contains two 28inch Radarpilot 9800 colour monitors which allows the user to overlay radar images onto digital navigational charts to give a real time image of movements around the ship
Although mostly controlled from the navigational console the bridge features a ships wheel which occasionally is used to navigate at sea and on approach to a port.
Mostly while navigating in port ORIANA's rudders, propellers and thrusters are combined under one system allowing full navigation from one small control stick, know as the LIPSTICK to the officers .

Portside bridge wing console. Copyright Steve Martin.
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