On a slightly cloudy June afternoon in 2012 ORIANA loomed large above the terminal building of the Queen Elizabeth II terminal her CANBERRA inspired funnel towering over her pristine decks as her crew readied her for her next cruise to the Norwegian fjords 17 years to the day that she first headed north to the nature of Norway.
On the dockside the band struck up a tune as ORIANA began to cast off.
Joining ORIANA in port that day was CELEBRITY ECLIPSE and GRAND PRINCESS both of which departed shortly before her.
While CELEBRITY ECLIPSE remained quiet passing by GRAND PRINCESS saluted which was drowned by ORIANA's more powerful reply
With a blast from her horn ORIANA departed her berth swinging her bow to head down river.
Passing as she went a small "fleet" of tugs.
As she headed out to sea she left CELEBRITY ECLIPSE in her wake
Photos Copyright : João Abreu & Steve Martin
"As with her cherished namesake and her sister the sacred CANBERRA, old acquaintance will be more than enough to ensure that whenever the great ships of Britain are brought to mind, another ORIANA shall now never be forgot."

ORIANA berthed in Funchal as the replica of Columbus SANTA MARIA passes by. 8 October 2015
terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015
Southampton Departure
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