As the light fades the city comes alive with the illumination of the Christmas lights, from the decks of a docked ship the entire waterfront forms a beautiful panorama of light and colour and end the day and the year the world famous fireworks display complemented by a cacophony of ship's and boat's horns .
It is an event which P&O has had a presence at for almost 30 years and for a number of those ORIANA has been on hand to welcome in the new year.
One such New Year we have mentioned previously was of 2004/2005 and thanks to the medium of film we once again join avid P&O Cruiser David Taylor as we see a little of the the adventures of passengers on this cruise enjoyed from leaving a wintery Southampton to enjoying the fireworks in Funchal.
Below we present the entire video shot by David from the cruise.
The New Year's fireworks display can be jumped to using the following link and our previous post on 2004 New Years Eve call can be found here
Photo Copyright: João Abreu
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