As shown on the map below ORIANA has finally arrived home over a month after departing for refit and conversion to a adults only ship.
Finally docking at Berth 106, Mayflower Cruise Terminal shortly after 5am, 5 hours later than her scheduled midnight arrival.
Arriving at her home port ORIANA was assisted the last miles of her journey by local tugs SVITZER BENTLEY and SVITZER BRISTOL

During her passage ORIANA while off of the English coast exceed her maximum service speed of 24 knots at one point attaining 24.6 knots although not the maximum she can operate at it shows that after such a large refit ORIANA returns renewed and ready once more to cruise the oceans of the world as one of Southampton's foremost luxury cruise liners .

ORIANA will depart for her Chirstmas/New Year cruise at 4:30pm her first port of call being Lisbon, Portugal.
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