domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Maiden call in Lisbon

On the 20th April 1995 ORIANA made the final call of her maiden voyage the Portuguese capital Lisbon like many ports of call during the cruise including the first Funchal in Madeira a port with a long established history with P&O, indeed ORIANA's namesake had visited the city during her pre-maiden voyage shakedown cruise in 1960 although the association with the port stretched back much longer to the company's earliest days.
Due to maintenance in the port and other cruise activity ORIANA berthed in the Jardim do Tabaco terminal rather than the preferred  Alcântara terminal.
During the day while her passengers enjoyed tours of the historic city ORIANA played host to a group of local journalist and later in the day to the British Ambassador to Portugal, Stephen Wall.
To complete the final call of the cruise a local folk band played on the quayside as ORIANA prepared to sail out to the Atlantic and back to Southampton.
Below is a short video of ORIANA's maiden departure from Lisbon.

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